S4 Episode 24

Your Name Review - has Makoto Shinkai's first smash hit held up, or does it suffer from the passage of time?

Spoiler free until 00:21:50!

Andrew, Ryan, and Steven review Your Name! Join the Spoilers Intended crew as we discuss the animation, the music, the romance, the magic system, and all the Makoto Shinkaiisms in this film! Is this the best intro to anime film outside of Ghibli? Tune in and decide for yourself as we roundtable review 2016's Your Name!

00:00:00 Intro

00:03:06 Spoiler Free Review

00:19:55 Intermission

00:21:50 Trivia

00:30:18 Spoiler Review

00:52:18 Outro

Spoilees Nominations: https://forms.gle/rDqhD9FSErhffUzH9


S4 Episode 25


S4 Episode