S1 Episode 37

Is this Nolan's best work?

Spoiler free until 00:23:08!

In this episode Andrew, Joel, and Steven review Christopher Nolan's The Prestige. Is this his best work? How well do two power house actors like Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman work together? Is this Jackman's greatest dramatic performance? Just how obsessed is Nolan with the idea of using 3 timelines to tell a story? Does seeing the magic behind the curtain diminish the film on a rewatch? Just how crazy are magicians anyways? We answer all these questions and more in this episode!

00:00:00 Intro

00:01:20 Rivalries

00:12:30 Spoiler Free Review

00:23:08 Intermission

00:24:20 Spectacle

00:30:55 Performance

00:39:49 Score

00:45:30 Plot

01:07:14 Entertainment Value

01:14:40 Outro


S1 Thank You


S1 Episode 36