S2 Episode 07

Was Madhouse almost going bankrupt worth it?

Spoiler free until 00:26:00!

In this episode Andrew, Ryan, and Steven review 2009's Redline! A project that took 7 years to make, and nearly bankrupted the studio in the process, but was it worth it? Just how good is the animation? Did they forget to give us a plot while hand animating everything? How well did the music hit? Does the effort in animation still stand out a decade later? Is the movie over hyped for what you get? We answer all these questions, and more, in this episode!

00:00:00 Intro

00:01:17 Style over Substance

00:11:15 Spoiler Free Review

00:26:00 Intermission

00:26:54 Spectacle

00:38:10 Performance

00:45:55 Score

00:52:13 Plot

01:04:45 Entertainment Value

01:04:15 Outro


S2 Episode 08


S2 Episode 06