S4 Episode 19

Rebel Moon Part 1 A Child of Fire Review - Is this the Star Wars killer or are we over Zack Snyder?

Spoiler free until 00:18:13!

Andrew, Ryan, and Steven review Rebel Moon Part 1! Join the Spoilers Intended crew as we discuss the cliches, the CGI, the setting, the story, the acting, and the possibilities of the Snyder cut! Can Zack Snyder fill the hole left by Star Wars or is this just a derivative and cliche mess? Tune in and decide for yourself as we roundtable review Rebel Moon Part 1 A Child of Fire!

00:00:00 Intro

00:01:30 Spoiler Free Review

00:16:40 Intermission

00:18:18 Trivia

00:24:42 Spoiler Review

00:53:51 Outro


S4 Episode 20


S4 Episode 18