S4 Episode 1

One Piece Live Action Season One Review - Has Netflix cracked the code on adapting anime or is the hype overblown?

Spoiler free until 00:29:55!

Andrew, Ryan, and Steven review season 1 of Netflix's live action adaptation of One Piece! The Spoilers Intended cast weighs in on the success, the challenges, how faithful the adaptation is, and what could be next for Netflix's newest streaming smash hit. Join us as we compare live action to manga to anime in this round table review of Season One of One Piece to decide if Netflix has succeeded in adapting an unadaptable anime?

00:00:00 Intro

00:01:53 Spoiler Free Review

00:28:20 Intermission

00:29:55 Trivia

00:35:13 Spoiler Review

01:15:55 Outro


S4 Episode 2


S3 Episode 47