S1 Episode 27

Does Brandon Sanderson always make the best magic systems? Yes.

Spoiler Free until 00:35:00!

For this episode Andrew, Joel, and Steven review Brandon Sanderson's first entry in the Mistborn series, The Final Empire! What other magic systems do we love? How great is this book's setting? Is it the best YA novel we've ever read? Just how good is Sanderson at creating magic systems? How much can we gush about one book? What objections could we possibly have to this masterpiece? We answer all these questions and more in this episode!

00:00:00 Intro

00:00:34 Audio Books

00:02:36 Favorite Magic Systems

00:18:48 Spoiler Free Review

00:34:23 Intermission

00:35:05 Setting

00:47:25 Character

00:54:37 Plot

01:04:58 Writing

01:17:02 Entertainment Value

01:23:22 Outro


S1 Episode 28


S1 Episode 26