S3 Episode 45

Minority Report Review - Is everything Tom touches a hit, or are there also misses?

Spoiler free until 00:30:34!

Andrew, Ryan, and Steven review Steven Spielberg and Tom Cruise's Minority Report! Is the CGI any good? Do the sci fi aspects of the film make any sense? Did Tom run enough to guarantee this movie made money? Did the movie feel disjointed in tone? What were our favorite parts? Was the bleach bypass a mistake!? Were we entertained?! We answer all these questions and more in this episode!

00:00:00 Intro

00:02:42 Awkward CGI in the 2000s

00:09:50 Spoiler Free Review

00:28:35 Intermission

00:30:34 Trivia

00:33:12 Spectacle

00:42:01 Performance

00:51:07 Score

00:55:56 Plot

01:05:13 Entertainment

01:10:24 Outro


S3 Episode 46


S3 Episode 44