S1 Episode 34

Did this movie prove Rian Johnson can direct?

Spoiler free until 00:24:00

In this episode Andrew, Joel, and Steven discuss Knives Out. A classic whodunnit style film, is this the genre for Rian Johnson? Does Daniel Craig's accent add or subtract for his performance? Does relying on a twist ruin this movie on rewatches? Are we ready for more movie's in this universe? Is there anything Jamie Lee Curtis can't do on screen? We attempt to answer all these questions and more in this episode!

00:00:00 Intro

00:01:55 Single Location Stories

00:11:08 Spoiler Free Review

00:24:00 Intermission

00:24:50 Spectacle

00:33:56 Performance

00:42:10 Score

00:44:32 Plot

00:57:38 Entertainment Value

01:04:50 Outro


S1 Episode 35


S1 Episode 33