S3 Episode 22

Heat Review - Is Heat a cinematic classic worth of the hype, or an overblown snoozefest?

Spoiler free until 00:31:24!

In this episode Andrew, Ryan, and Steven review Michael Mann's Heat! Is the pacing too slow? Can a few big action sequences keep people interested for all 3 hours? How well did the large ensemble cast do? What would we cut? What would we keep? Does this film deserve all its accolades? What were our favorite parts? Is it worth watching almost 30 years later? We answer all these questions and more in this episode!

00:00:00 Intro

00:01:30 Ensemble Casting

00:13:09 Spoiler Free Review

00:29:34 Intermission

00:31:53 Trivia

00:39:11 Spectacle

00:49:15 Performance

01:02:55 Score

01:08:06 Plot

01:20:22 Entertainment

01:31:13 Outro


S3 Episode 23


S3 Episode 21