S4 Episode 27

Dune Part 2 Review - Is this the best science fiction epic in decades, or a let down after Part 1?

Spoiler free until 00:17:40!

Andrew, Ryan, and Steven review Dune Part 2! Join the Spoilers Intended crew as we discuss the castings, the music, the science, the fiction, all the action, and every religious reference! Has the second installment exceeded our every expectation or left us feeling let down? Tune in and decide for yourself as we roundtable review Denis Villeneuve's Dune Part 2!

00:00:00 Intro

00:02:58 Spoiler Free Review

00:16:57 Intermission

00:17:40 Trivia

00:21:25 Spoiler Review

00:50:59 Outro


S4 Episode 28


S4 Episode 26